
Did you know that you can get answers on-line to the questions you ask most often concerning Midlands Choice issues?  By registering for a secure account on the recently updated MidlandsChoice.com, users can discover the status of claims, get a copy of the repricing face sheet, find out how to contact payers, look up information for employer groups and more - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To register for a secure account, go to the For Healthcare Providers drop-down at the top of the MidlandsChoice.com website and select Register for a Provider Account. For the protection of you and your patients, each person in your office must register for a separate account.

Midlands Choice requires that an agreement be in place between Midlands Choice and any organization that accesses the secure features of our website.  If the agreement is in place, when a potential user registers for a secure account, an email is sent to the “authorizing contact” at the registrant’s organization advising them that an individual has requested access.  Once we receive authorization back from the authorizing contact, an email is sent to the registrant informing them that their access has been approved.